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☆Funky Great Jewelry on Etsy☆

About Me


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(¸.•´ (¸.•´☆ Welcome to my funky sugary world. I'm the mother of two beautiful boys, wife to an amazing husband, a self taught jewelry artist and a self proclaimed stuff fixer upper. Funky Great is my jewelry line I started about a year ago which includes lots of unique items. I have of course dedicated a page to it so please feel free to explore. I'm sure your next question is "What the heck is Sugarville?". Well, I'll tell you...Sugarville is my happy place, it's where the grass is pink, the sky is Tiffany blue and the clouds are cream cheese icing (I really like cream cheese icing). Its the place I store all of my silliness and quirkiness, the things I love and the things I don't. The places I find on the web that help make my life a little bit more awesome and where I share my jewelry creations. Hopefully Sugarville will be as fun for you as it is for me! And if it isn't... well that sux for you cause it's pretty awesome here.

With love,
